Sojourns Through Troubled Worlds, Now Available!

July 19, 2012 in General Topics

Sojourns Through Troubled WorldsI’m very pleased to announce the release of my first short fiction collection, Sojourns Through Troubled Worlds, which is now available for your Nook, Kobo, Kindle, or app compatible with either of those three platforms, for the low, low introductory price of just $1.59.

Pick up a copy on Amazon, Kobo Books, or Barnes & Noble.
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Short Fiction Collection Name: Contest Winner Announced!

March 22, 2012 in General Topics

Well, folks, I really appreciate the suggestions in this last week’s contest to name my upcoming short fiction collection. As it turns out, of all the suggestions, the one that I liked the best was: Read the rest of this entry →

Sale: “Todd Elrin and the Forever Reset”; The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

January 25, 2012 in General Topics

My science fiction short story “Todd Elrin and the Forever Reset” just got picked up for its first-ever run. Look for it on The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine at some point in the future. Of course I’ll post an announcement when it is live.

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Sturdy Reindeer Seeks Stable

November 11, 2011 in General Topics

I am open to reselling “On Dasher”, which ran in the Drabblecast to very positive feedback a few years back. It’s a Christmas fantasy tale that involves Dasher the reindeer in a globe-spanning race with a Kirin, and of course there is the obligatory cheerful Christmas message. It was a lot of fun to write.

If you know of or hear of anyone looking for some good reindeer fodder for the upcoming Christmas season, let me know, and you will be on the cool list.

Stay tuned.

How about the number 50?

June 26, 2011 in General Topics

Doing some math today with my fiction, I discovered I’ve written over fifty short stories since starting writing seriously back in my twenties. That is quite awesome. And a little bit obsessive.
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