
July 21, 2007 in General Topics

Well, my possible third piece of good news did a flaming death-spiral today: Allegory turned down “Whispers of the Future” in what was apparently a close heat between it and the tale’s competition for issue slots.

Sigh, double sigh. They’re good people, though — Editor Ty Drago strikes me as just a sharp, straight-forward professional — and they’ll see more of my stuff again. I’m actually holding a tale that I’ll fire their way on August 1st, when they’ll reopen for subs. And hey, we’ll see what happens. There’s always next time.

Plus, I get an honorable mention to add to my growing brag sheet, and I did snag a sale each of the past two weeks, so the wound isn’t as bad.

Elsewhere this week, “Spired” and “Derelict” each got form rejections, and “On the Path of Peace” got turned down by Abyss & Apex “after some thought” despite being “well received”. Ah, well. Can’t win em’ all.

Stay tuned.