Review: Battle Royale

December 7, 2012 in General Topics

Battle RoyaleWay back when I first heard of The Hunger Games, two films popped into my head. The first was the Arnold Schwarzenegger-starring adapation of the novel The Running Man, by “Richard Bachman” (who was revealed years ago to be a pen name of Stephen King’s). Widely viewed in the United States, it orbited my childhood. I sought it out due to my love of science fiction.

The second film slammed like a comet into the firmament of my adulthood. It presented no one-liners, no outrageous costumes or hulking action stars. None of the characters really won–they just lost less. The ending was starkly and typically Japanese, leaving its loose ends unresolved in the way that great cinema often does. That film was Battle Royale.

Having viewed the film adaptation of The Hunger Games recently, I felt compelled to revisit Battle Royale and see if it still help up. This presented a problem. Read the rest of this entry →

Review: Super 8

October 11, 2012 in General Topics, Other Stuff

"Super 8" posterThere was a moment, while watching Super 8, when I realized the film didn’t quite know what to do with itself. This is a schizophrenic movie – it wants to be a coming-of-age flick, until it decides it wants to be an alien invasion spectacular, until it decides it wants to invoke the rampaging monster action of Cloverfield.

J.J. Abrams’ past work has been real hit-or-miss, in my estimation. Super 8 is a better flick than most of his efforts, falling just under the excellent Star Trek reboot, but above basically everything else I’ve seen of his.
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Review: Captain America

August 31, 2012 in General Topics

Captain America, film posterThere’s a scene in Captain America where the optimistic young superhero strides onto a stage in an effort to sell war bonds, having been relegated to poster-boy duty, instead of the active front-line service he desperately wants. There, among a line of dancing performers, he slugs out a comically-rendered Hitler that has “snuck” into the proceedings. Cue applause.

Nostalgia, ironically, dominates our feelings of World War II, at least here in the States. As Americans, we’ve assigned the war an almost stained-glass sanctity, and I think we’ve done so because it gave us the kind of conflicts we haven’t faced since: a clear-cut, evil enemy was rampaging around Europe, while a fanatical, Imperial Japan dominated the Pacific. And yet we as a nation were at the top of our game. We didn’t back down.

You waved your flag, you bought war bonds. You gathered scrap metal. You worked in the factories. You fought. You bled. You came home. Or you didn’t. But you were part of something grand, and important. Read the rest of this entry →

Review: Prometheus

June 12, 2012 in General Topics

When a director revisits an old cinematic sandbox, it’s always a risky proposition. Dabbling with the mythos surrounding a nigh-legendary masterpiece like Alien runs the risk of upsetting the audience, particularly the loyalists surrounding a franchise. Every new beginning faces the chance of being a phantom menace. For every Star Trek: First Contact, respecting and enriching its canon, there’s a Star Trek: Nemesis, completely ignoring it.

When I first heard of Prometheus — and that director Ridley Scott was going to craft a spiritual prequel to his landmark 1979 film — I started to worry greatness would be tainted. I saw the film this past Friday, and I’ve had time to digest it since then. So, how does Prometheus stack up against one of the finest science fiction films of all time? Did the same director that gave us Blade Runner meet expectations, or fall short? Read the rest of this entry →

How Disney Killed John Carter

May 17, 2012 in Other Stuff

Every once in a while big film faces a collapse at the box office so utter, so complete, that it brings all What's wrong with this picture?sorts of observers out of the woodwork, who then comb through the wreckage looking for details, like forensic accident analysts. This year’s pile of trouble was undoubtedly Disney’s sci-fi yarn John Carter. Read the rest of this entry →