Four Useful Resources for the Indie Author

June 3, 2012 in General Topics

Starting a publishing entity can be a bewildering process, at times far more complicated than actually writing and editing novels. I could have saved a lot of time up front if I had learned sooner who stood at the top of their game when it came to meeting my needs. If the average independent author’s experience is anything like mine, it involved sifting through (and participating in) a scad of discussion threads, tweets, and websites gleaming answers to obscure questions such as “Do I need an ISBN for each website I sell on?” and “Which service can I use to bundle tracked URLs so I can tell which outlet they came from?”. Read on to discover four useful resources for the independent author. Read the rest of this entry →

I Can’t Believe You Tweeted That (Part 2)

April 16, 2012 in General Topics

Last Friday I touched on the importance of quality tweets, as well as the danger of straying into potentially divisive subjects when you, the author, should be focused on bringing people together. Today, we’ll wrap up this look at questionable Twitter habits with two other types of problematic tweets. Read the rest of this entry →

I Can’t Believe You Tweeted That (Part 1)

April 11, 2012 in General Topics

We expect feedback and criticism from readers, even though the vast majority aren’t experienced writers. In a similar vein, while I’m new to Twitter (February of this year, I kid you not), I know enough from a professional background to question if certain kinds of tweets are really the best use of an author’s time. Read the rest of this entry →