The Millstone

December 28, 2011 in General Topics

Every year around this time response times slump among many of the fiction markets. It’s hard for me to fault them. Outside of the fact that slush readers are often volunteers or only barely paid, it’s a time constraint issue given the holidays. I’ve had my own millstone to toil with lately and it, too, is a beast hewn of time. And friction. The two are interrelated.
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On fire (and so, I worry)

July 11, 2011 in General Topics

Right now, I feel like I am hitting on all cylinders. All my fiction I needed to sub is out there in the wild, I am editing up a flurry on my novel (the reader feedback was quite useful, so I’m revising once more before getting back into submissions), and I find story ideas coming forward in a torrent. But it’s not enough.
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