Two new books released, but so much more than that…

July 2, 2016 in General Topics, Slideshow Topic





I have very, very big news. Launching today I give you not one, but two full-length novels: REVENANT MAN and SHATTERED SON. This is books one and two of THE TYRANT STRATEGY, my new science fiction series.

“What are they about?” It’s the most common and yet open-ended question an author can get. Okay, here goes.
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Picking the Ball Back Up

November 14, 2014 in General Topics

Yes, an update post. I said a while back I wasn’t going to do these anymore, because meta bores readers, but this one seemed important to make.

I told myself that after the release of the concluding installment to the Beacon Saga Serial, I might take a well-deserved break. Given the race involved with placing that final installment into the wild, I would have certainly been justified in doing so. A week or two wouldn’t kill me, right?

Really, though, I’m not that kind of author. When I can move the ball down the court, I like to do so. I like to be productive. I also like to keep my readers informed of just what’s in store for them in the future.

Both of these drivers have dovetailed into the subject of today’s blog post. It’s time to tie everyone in, formally, on what my next projects will be, and what’s in the pipe over the next several months. Read the rest of this entry →

My Writing Process (Blog Tour)

May 26, 2014 in General Topics

On a regular basis I get asked for advice or guidance from folks who are wondering about my methods for creating the characters and plots that populate my fiction. Oftentimes these beginning writers have dabbled in a few chapters toward their own work, or produced an outline, or something similar, and they’re befuddled on how to proceed. I’m always happy to help, but I usually can’t go into the details that would be most beneficial to them (due to time constraints), and I regret that.

So when I was invited to join a blog tour that was being conducted by many other authors, I was intrigued, largely by the premise: expound on one’s writing, and the process behind it. Read the rest of this entry →

Weapons That Changed the Course of History (And My Fiction), Part 1

December 21, 2012 in General Topics

Many of my books feature transformative technology–items whose creation and use reshaped the worlds they populate. This synchronizes nicely with my study of history.

I think understanding history really helps me write effective genre fiction. I have to keep an eye ever-focused on “what-if”? You could say that history is, in large part, a study of powers wielding–or reacting to–unexpected technological advances, and you’d be very accurate. In the same way, my fiction often takes place after those technological leaps, and almost always imagines nations unprepared for those changes. The human element is more important than the actual tech.

Today, I’m going to explain how certain weapons in human history impacted civilization, and we’ll have a little fun applying the same lens to items that appear in some of my own books. I’m not going for the obvious choices, either (did you really want to read another article on nuclear weapons? I think not). Let’s have more fun than that.

So, here we go! Read the rest of this entry →

The Future of Weaponry is Our Past

November 1, 2012 in General Topics

A lively discussion broke out on the Kindleboards recently about weaponry in various authors’ science fiction world-building. The topic produced great food for thought, and also gave me a chance to reiterate my belief that simple, reliable weapons aren’t going anywhere.

Yes, The Tyrant Strategy: Revenant Man spends some time on the great threat still menacing Zone 6 (roughly compromising the Rockies), left behind by the Akita Wars, in the form of that tyrant’s autonomous hunter-killer drones. Drones will, sadly, become more prevalent domestically and internationally in the coming years. This is despite the well-founded civil rights concerns.

Viet Cong forcesBut for the average belligerent on the ground, simple firearms will more often than not remain the order of the day, just as they do in my novel. Read the rest of this entry →