Where the heck I’ve been

April 11, 2010 in General Topics

I know I’ve been whisper-silent on this blog since, well, forever. The reason for this is I’ve been in a “quiet time”. I’ve been writing, of course, but in amongst that was a job change, a collaborative project (almost done, thank you Mr. Gareth Jones), and of course The Tyrant Stratagem, which is the Tarrasque in the room.

So the big two projects are almost — finally — done. I anticipate the project with Mr. Jones being done sometime in the next few weeks. Then my novel should follow by mid to late summer and start making the rounds at agencies. If I can only get someone to give it a chance…

Speaking of, I think that’s why I’ve had such a hard time revisiting short fiction (in addition to the work load). 2009 and 2008 were years full of disappointment for me. Over and over again, my fiction kept getting “so close” with editors and getting narrowly turned down that I honestly think I lost heart. It’s ironic, I suppose, given my bibliography already, but I’m not immune to frustration. The entire experience has just left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s easier to turn inwards and labor at a novel during such a time.

That, and I’ve been ministering. It’s been very fulfilling and has had me looking over some of my choices both present and past. I’ve been introspective. One of those things I’ve thought long on has been my writing style and methods. You will see a transformative difference between my tales of the past and those that are coming.

Still, I have written a few short stories during this time — just haven’t sent them anywhere — and have also outlined several others. What’s happening is the “quiet time” is almost over. Almost.

There will be a small reminder of sorts at Balticon this year. Call it a distant trumpet. I’m coming back. Tired of sitting on the sidelines.

Stay tuned.