Cindered Souls, Now Available!

October 6, 2012 in General Topics

Cindered SoulsToday I’m pleased to release another fiction collection. Five spine-tingling horror tales haunt Cindered Souls, now available for your Kindle, Nook, Kobo or app compatible with either of those three platforms, for only $1.99.

Pick up a copy on Amazon (Kindle), Kobo Books (Kobo), or Barnes & Noble (Nook).
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“The Eighteenth Floor”, Honorable Mention, Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 (2008)

August 5, 2011 in General Topics

Holy crap. How did I miss this? Apparently last year none other than Ellen Datlow included my tale “The Eighteenth Floor” (Something Wicked SF & Horror Magazine #8) in the Honorable Mention list for the anthology “Best Horror of the Year, Volume 1”, for stories published in 2008.

Thank you, Mrs. Datlow. I doubt you’ll ever read this, but I deeply appreciate such an honor.